February – Week #2

Week #2: Words of Love – Part 2

Friends: It is said that “a friend in need is a friend indeed.” And, yet, many relationships have been ruined because of money. But were they true friendships to begin with? Where do you draw the line? Here is a poem on friendship that puts it into perspective:

“Friends” – by David Giller
Friends, no time for games…
For friends are a lot more than fun…
They are “life”
We choose them with all our intuitive powers…
Wanting, to give of ourselves…
To communicate “us” to a special few who know…
Our Friends!

Forgiving – Letting go is not an easy thing to do, especially if it is from an experience that may have traumatized you. What most people don’t realize is that until they do let go and forgive another, they are the one who is suffering. Forgiveness is one of the keys to unlocking our personal freedom.

* Generosity – The more we realize who we are and why we’re here, the more generous we will be to others…and the less emphasis we will place on material things over the welfare of others. There are many individuals who are sitting on vast fortunes, while others are homeless and hungry.

* Giving – To give is to receive. the feeling of giving of ourselves – our time, our love, our possessions, to others in need – to help restore balance on earth – is our true purpose for being.

* Helpful – It feels good to help one another. Find the time…it will be worth the feeling

* Honesty – We must live our lives in truth. Lies only complicate things. Unfortunately, our society has presented a scenario where many people cannot physically or mentally handle the truth. Always be honest – it’s the best policy. Say what you mean – mean what you say!  Begin with yourself – the less self-conflict, the less conflict with others.

Inspire – As a result of the overwhelming negativity directly or indirectly impacting our lives, many individuals find it very challenging to stay above the daily pressures and remain energized to achieve the goals and dreams. Help to inspire and motivate others with positive reinforcements and constant support.

Nature – Any living thing…human beings, animals, plants…all require nurturing and appreciation. It is rare to see a nice person mistreating animals and plants. Appreciating nature, a beautiful sunrise, cloud formations the waves in the ocean, the good in everything and everyone really gives us the fuel we need to keep going…to stay on top of life’s daily pressures. Encourage others to commune with nature.

Patience – The lack of patience is the cause of many relationship problems, which leads to additional problems and stress. Many people are rude to others, easily angered and annoyed, usually because they do not have the awareness of how to pace their daily activities, and be relaxed in and around everything they do. Having patience and taking the time with others – even though you may not have much time to spare – could be the difference between being truly happy in all aspects of your life, or being miserable, and helping vs. hurting others.

Give an example how each of these actions has impacted your life in the past 30 days.

Wait…don’t forget….we would like your feedback (optional):

Please answer the following questions and send to:  info@thinkpositiveworld.com

*  How did this week’s information impact your life?

*  What do you have to contribute pertaining to this week’s message?…an idea?…a technique?…a system that works for you?…a resource? If you have something important to add to what we said in this section, please let us know. As we move forward, we are asking our members to help us perfect our information base. Your input could ultimately impact millions of members. How powerful is that!…a master database of the best of the best information to help us all make the best life choices!

Next week’s content:  Words of LOVE – Part 3